

1772 1st Partition of Poland - Prussia annexes West Prussia & Netze District
1791 Anna Katharina Schramm born in what becomes South Prussia
1793 2nd Partition of Poland - Prussia annexes South Prussia (Posen and Kalisch areas)
1794 Michael Boettcher born in Poland
1795 3rd Partition of Poland - Prussia annexes New East Prussia (Warsaw and further east)
1803 Johannes Georg Böpple family from Plattenhardt, Württemberg to Colony Kanstadt by Warsaw
1804 Philipp Jacob Benz family from Brackenheim, Württemberg to Dmosin, Lodz, South Prussia
1807 Prussia loses Poland to Napoleon - Duchy of Warsaw created, ruled by Saxony
1809 Johann Traugott Allmer Family from Hohenkirchen, Saxony to Worms, Beresan, Russia
1812 Russia gains Bessarabia from Ottoman Empire
1812 Napoleon fails to conquer Russia, Prussian and Russian armies occupy Poland until 1815
1812 Johann Friedrich Schorzmann family from Thorn, Poland to Johannestal, Beresan, Russia
1814 Johann Friedirich Schorzmann from Johannestal to Worms, Beresan, Russia
1814 Johann Wandry (Fandrich) and Hoffmann families settle in Kulm, Bessarabia, Russia
1815 Prussia regains Posen and West Prussia, remainder of Duchy of Warsaw becomes Congress Poland - defacto ruled by Russia
1816 Michael Böttcher and Anna Katharina Schramm from Poland settle in Paris, Bessarabia, Russia (they may have been in Soroki, Moldova 1814-1816 with other Paris colonists)
1817 Johann Wandry (Fandrich) family from Kulm, Bessarabia to Brienne, Bessarabia, Russia
1817 Johannes Georg Böpple family from Kanstadt, Poland to Teplitz, Bessarabia, Russia
1817 Johann Michael Lutz from Dornstetten, Württemberg to Teplitz, Bessarabia, Russia
1817 Philipp Jacob Benz family from Dmosin, Lodz, Poland to Teplitz, Bessarabaia, Russia
1819 Margaretha Elisabeth (Haug) Ehrmann and children from Bonfeld, Württemberg to  Hoffnungstal, Odessa. 
1831 Beata Boschitzky from Alt Elft, Bessarabia to Brienne, Bessarabia, Russia
1831 Congress Poland becomes Russian Poland
1832 Philipp Sperr family from Rielingshausen, Württemberg to Friedenstal, Bessarabia via Russian Poland
1834 (circa) Johann Christian Ehrmann from Hoffnungstal, Odessa to Brienne, Bessarabia
1842 Johannes Sperr family Friedenstal, Bessarabia, Russia to (unknown, but likely Dobruja)
1842 Friedrich Boepple family from Teplitz, Bessarabia, Russia to (unknown, maybe Wallachia, but in Cischla [Kischlar] by Tulcea, Dobruja in early 1850s)
1843 Johann Michael Lutz family from Teplitz, Bessarabia, Russia to (unknown, probably with Friedrich Boepple)
1843 Allmer Family from Worms, Beresan to Paris, Bessarabia
1848 Johannes Sperr and Gottlieb Fandrich (with sister Luisa) families from (unknown) to Atmagea, Dobruja, Ottoman Empire.

1853 [Mar] Friedrich Böpple & Thomas Lutz families at Korusche, Dobruja (east of Harsova)
1853 [May] Russia invades Wallachia and Moldavia (Begin of Crimean War)
1854 [Apr] Friedrich Böpple & Thomas Lutz families still at Korusche, Dobruja
1854 [Apr] Russia invades northern Dobruja1856 Russia cedes southern Bessarabia to Ottoman Empire
1855-1856 Friedrich Böpple & Thomas Lutz families farming at Gut Hadlischari (Adschilar)as recorded in Sarata church book

1857 Friedrich Böpple & Thomas Lutz families found German colony at Catalui, Dobruja, Ottoman Empire
1868-1872   Samuel Ehrman family from Brienne, Bessarabia, Russia to Catalui, Dobruja, Ottoman Empire
1875 Samuel Böttcher from Paris, Bessarabia, Russia to Atmagea, Dobruja, Ottoman Empire
1878 Dobruja taken from Ottoman Empire and given to Romania
1898 Samuel Böttcher (Bettcher) family from Atmagea, Dobruja, Romania to Anamoose, McHenry, North Dakota, U.S.A.
1902 Samuel Ehrmann Family from Catalui, Dobruja, Romania to North Dakota, U.S.A.
1903 Martin and Elisabeth (Allmer) Böttcher Kohls to Anamoose, North Dakota, U.S.A.
1910 Samuel Bettcher visits Cuba to consider moving there to farm -- too hot!
1910 Samuel Bettcher family, with Kohls and Sperr families to Big Stick Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada
19xx Samuel Bettcher moves to Medicina Hat, Alberta, Canada. 
1922 Samuel Bettcher moves to Milton-Freewater, Oregon, U.S.A.